Peace Pagoda – Leverett, MA

In a Western context a pagada it refers to a sacred building  in the  Hindu or Buddhist religion.  Initially, these structures symbolized sacred mountains, and they were used to house relics or remains of saints and kings.

The Peace Pagoda in Massachusetts  is a  Buddhist stupa, a dome-shaped Buddhist monument. The purpose of this structure is to inspire peace, its dedicated to all people from different races and creeds. It was the first Nipponzan-Myōhōji Peace Pagoda to be built in the United States and was completed in 1985.

The Front / South Niche houses the Baby Buddha traditionally people walk clockwise around it.

The East Niche; Shakyamuni Buddha expounding the Great Dharma of the Lotus Sutra Buddha of Abundant Treasure Present.

The Lotus Sutra is the idea that the Buddha is more of an eternal entity, who achieved nirvana, but willingly chose to remain in the cycle of rebirth to help teach beings the Dharma time and again.

The North Niche represents Buddha at His death bed.

Before dying the Buddha, as his last gift, ordained Subhadda, the Wanderer, who came seeking spiritual guidance.  He was the last monk who was ordained by the Buddha. Having preached to his last disciple, the Buddha passed away into Parinirvana (Perfect Extinction) on the Visakha’s Full Moon Night at Salavanodayana.

The West Niche represents Buddha obtaining enlightenment after overcoming maras.

Mara in Buddhism is the demon that tempted Prince Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha) by trying to seduce him with the vision of beautiful women. The demon is associated with death, rebirth and desire.

Before arriving to the pagoda you come across a meditation center where a monk teaches meditation. Inside there is information about the story of the place and it leaders.

This was send from Sri Lanka on top there is a relic, a piece of bone, of someone important, unfortunately I could not understand who that person was.

That is an alter with Buddhas from different parts of the world.



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